
class xpublish.Rest(datasets, routers=None, cache_kws=None, app_kws=None)[source]

Used to publish one or more Xarray Datasets via a REST API (FastAPI application).

To publish a single dataset via its own FastAPI application, you might want to use the xarray.Dataset.rest accessor instead for more convenience. It provides the same interface than this class.

  • datasets (xarray.Dataset or dict) – A single xarray.Dataset object or a mapping of datasets objects to be served. If a mapping is given, keys are used as dataset ids and are converted to strings. See also the notes below.

  • routers (list, optional) – A list of dataset-specific fastapi.APIRouter instances to include in the fastAPI application. If None, the default routers will be included. The items of the list may also be tuples with the following format: [(router1, {'prefix': '/foo', 'tags': ['foo', 'bar']})], where the 1st tuple element is a fastapi.APIRouter instance and the 2nd element is a dictionary that is used to pass keyword arguments to fastapi.FastAPI.include_router().

  • cache_kws (dict, optional) – Dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to cachey.Cache.__init__(). By default, the cache size is set to 1MB, but this can be changed with available_bytes.

  • app_kws (dict, optional) – Dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to fastapi.FastAPI.__init__().


The urls of the application’s API endpoints differ whether a single dataset or a mapping (collection) of datasets is given. In the latter case, all dataset-specific endpoint urls have the prefix /datasets/{dataset_id}, where {dataset_id} corresponds to the keys of the mapping (converted to strings). Still in the latter case, the endpoint /datasets is added and returns the list of all dataset ids.

__init__(datasets, routers=None, cache_kws=None, app_kws=None)[source]


__init__(datasets[, routers, cache_kws, app_kws])

serve([host, port, log_level])

Serve this FastAPI application via uvicorn.run().



Returns the fastapi.FastAPI application instance.


Returns the cachey.Cache instance used by the FastAPI application.