```{eval-rst} .. currentmodule:: xpublish ``` # API reference ## Top-level Rest class The {class}`~xpublish.Rest` class can be used for publishing a {class}`xarray.Dataset` object or a collection of Dataset objects. The main interfaces to Xpublish that many users may use. ```{eval-rst} .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ Rest Rest.app Rest.cache Rest.plugins Rest.serve Rest.register_plugin Rest.dependencies ``` There are also a handful of methods that are more likely to be used when subclassing `xpublish.Rest` to modify functionality, or are used by plugin dependencies. ```{eval-rst} .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ Rest.setup_datasets Rest.get_datasets_from_plugins Rest.get_dataset_from_plugins Rest.setup_plugins Rest.init_cache_kwargs Rest.init_app_kwargs Rest.plugin_routers ``` There is also a specialized version of {class}`xpublish.Rest` for use when only a single dataset is being served, instead of a collection of datasets. ```{eval-rst} .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ SingleDatasetRest SingleDatasetRest.setup_datasets ``` For serving a single dataset the {class}`~xpublish.SingleDatasetRest` is used instead. ```{eval-rst} .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ SingleDatasetRest ``` ## Dataset.rest (xarray accessor) This accessor extends {py:class}`xarray.Dataset` with the same interface than {class}`~xpublish.SingleDatasetRest`. It is a convenient method for publishing one single dataset. Proper use of this accessor should be like: ``` >>> import xarray as xr # first import xarray >>> import xpublish # import xpublish (the dataset 'rest' accessor is registered) >>> ds = xr.Dataset() # create or load an xarray Dataset >>> ds.rest(...) # call the 'rest' accessor on the dataset >>> ds.rest. # access to the methods and properties listed below ``` ```{eval-rst} .. currentmodule:: xarray ``` **Calling the accessor** ```{eval-rst} .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ :template: autosummary/accessor_callable.rst Dataset.rest ``` **Properties** ```{eval-rst} .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ :template: autosummary/accessor_attribute.rst Dataset.rest.app Dataset.rest.cache ``` **Methods** ```{eval-rst} .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ :template: autosummary/accessor_method.rst Dataset.rest.serve ``` ## FastAPI dependencies The functions below are defined in module `xpublish.dependencies` and can be used as [FastAPI dependencies](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/dependencies) when creating custom API endpoints directly. When creating routers with plugins, instead use `xpublish.Dependency` that will be passed in to the `Plugin.app_router` or `Plugin.dataset_router` method. ```{eval-rst} .. currentmodule:: xpublish.dependencies ``` ```{eval-rst} .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ get_dataset_ids get_dataset get_cache get_zvariables get_zmetadata get_plugins get_plugin_manager ``` ## Plugins Plugins are inherit from the {class}`~xpublish.Plugin` class, and implement various hooks. ```{eval-rst} .. currentmodule:: xpublish ``` ```{eval-rst} .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ Plugin hookimpl hookspec Dependencies plugins.hooks.PluginSpec plugins.manage.find_default_plugins plugins.manage.load_default_plugins plugins.manage.configure_plugins ```