# Ecosystem Xpublish's ecosystem is made up of plugins and servers, and the folks who build and run them. ## Connect We have two main venues for discussing Xpublish and it's ecosystem, Github Discussions and Slack. ### Github Discussions For longer form discussions, we can be found in [Github Discussions](https://github.com/xpublish-community/community/discussions?discussions_q=). ### Slack Xpublish has a channel (`#xpublish`) on [ESIP](https://www.esipfed.org/)'s (Earth Science Information Partners) Slack. (Insert Rich's justification here about ESIP being the biggest unbrella that he can find) [Join here](https://join.slack.com/t/esip-all/shared_invite/zt-1omjufm9z-iH8Gf7gmmsm2SiS5Xh6BlQ) ## Server distributions - [XREDS](https://github.com/asascience-open/xreds) from RPS - [Xpublish Host](https://github.com/axiom-data-science/xpublish-host) from Axiom Data Science ## Plugins - [OGC EDR](https://github.com/xpublish-community/xpublish-edr/) - [OpenDAP](https://github.com/xpublish-community/xpublish-opendap/) - [WMS](https://github.com/xpublish-community/xpublish-wms) - [Intake](https://github.com/axiom-data-science/xpublish-intake) ## Experiments We have a separate Github organization ([xpublish-experiments](https://github.com/xpublish-experiments)) for things that you've tried and want to share with the community, but don't necessarily want to maintain.