
pydantic model xpublish.Dependencies[source]#

A set of dependencies that are passed into plugin routers.

Some routers may be ‘borrowed’ by other routers to expose different geometries of data, thus the default dependencies may need to be overridden. By depending on the passed in version of this class, the dependencies can be overridden predictably.

Show JSON schema
   "title": "Dependencies",
   "description": "A set of dependencies that are passed into plugin routers.\n\nSome routers may be 'borrowed' by other routers to expose different\ngeometries of data, thus the default dependencies may need to be overridden.\nBy depending on the passed in version of this class, the dependencies\ncan be overridden predictably.",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {}

  • cache (Callable[[...], cachey.cache.Cache])

  • dataset (Callable[[str], xarray.core.dataset.Dataset])

  • dataset_ids (Callable[[...], List[str]])

  • plugin_manager (Callable[[...], pluggy._manager.PluginManager])

  • plugins (Callable[[...], Dict[str, xpublish.plugins.hooks.Plugin]])

field cache: Callable[..., Cache] = <function get_cache>#

Provide access to cachey.Cache

field dataset: Callable[[str], Dataset] = <function get_dataset>#

Returns a dataset using /<dataset_id>/ in the path.

field dataset_ids: Callable[..., List[str]] = <function get_dataset_ids>#

Returns a list of all valid dataset ids

field plugin_manager: Callable[..., PluginManager] = <function get_plugin_manager>#

The plugin manager itself, allowing for maximum creativity

field plugins: Callable[..., Dict[str, Plugin]] = <function get_plugins>#

A dictionary of plugins allowing direct access