Extending Xpublish with a dataset router#

It is also possible to create custom API routes and serve them via Xpublish. In the example below, we create a minimal application to get the mean value of a given variable in the published dataset:

import xarray as xr
from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, HTTPException

from xpublish.dependencies import get_dataset

ds = xr.tutorial.open_dataset(
    chunks={'lat': 5, 'lon': 5},

myrouter = APIRouter()

def get_mean(var_name: str, dataset: xr.Dataset = Depends(get_dataset)):
    if var_name not in dataset.variables:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail=f"Variable '{var_name}' not found in dataset")

    return float(dataset[var_name].mean())

rest = ds.rest(routers=[myrouter])


Taking the dataset loaded above in this tutorial, this application should behave like this:

  • /air/mean returns a floating number

  • /not_a_variable/mean returns a 404 HTTP error

Building blocks of new routes#

Adding a new route for a dataset starts with creating a FastAPI APIRouter, which we have done here with myrouter = APIRouter().

ds = xr.tutorial.open_dataset(
    chunks={'lat': 5, 'lon': 5},

myrouter = APIRouter()

def get_mean(var_name: str, dataset: xr.Dataset = Depends(get_dataset)):

Next we define our route using a decorator for the type of request, in this case @myrouter.get(). Within the decorator we specify the path we want the route to respond to. If we want it to respond to parameters in the path, we can enclose those with curly brackets and they will be passed to our route function. Here we have specified that we want a path parameter of var_name to be passed to the function, and the requests should respond to {var_name}/mean.

myrouter = APIRouter()

def get_mean(var_name: str, dataset: xr.Dataset = Depends(get_dataset)):
    if var_name not in dataset.variables:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail=f"Variable '{var_name}' not found in dataset")

    return float(dataset[var_name].mean())

Following the decorator, we have our function to respond to the route. It takes in the path parameters, and some other arguments.

def get_mean(var_name: str, dataset: xr.Dataset = Depends(get_dataset)):
    if var_name not in dataset.variables:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail=f"Variable '{var_name}' not found in dataset")

    return float(dataset[var_name].mean())

rest = ds.rest(routers=[myrouter])

The get_dataset() function in the example above is a FastAPI dependency that is used to access the dataset object being served by the application, either from inside a FastAPI path operation decorated function or from another FastAPI dependency. Note that get_dataset can only be used as a function argument (FastAPI has other ways to reuse a dependency, but those are not supported in this case).

Xpublish also provides a get_cache() dependency function to get/put any useful key-value pair from/into the cache that is created along with a running instance of the application.

To use our route, we then need to tell Xpublish about it, by passing it into ds.rest.

def get_mean(var_name: str, dataset: xr.Dataset = Depends(get_dataset)):
    if var_name not in dataset.variables:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail=f"Variable '{var_name}' not found in dataset")

    return float(dataset[var_name].mean())

rest = ds.rest(routers=[myrouter])


Finally we can serve our new route along with the other routes that Xpublish understands.