Source code for

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import cachey
import pluggy
import uvicorn
import xarray as xr
from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI, HTTPException, Path

from .dependencies import get_cache, get_dataset, get_dataset_ids, get_plugin_manager
from .plugins import Dependencies, Plugin, PluginSpec, get_plugins, load_default_plugins
from .routers import dataset_collection_router
from .utils.api import (

RouterKwargs = Dict
RouterAndKwargs = Tuple[APIRouter, RouterKwargs]

[docs]class Rest: """Used to publish multiple Xarray Datasets via a REST API (FastAPI application). To publish a single dataset via its own FastAPI application, you might want to use the :attr:`` accessor for more convenience. Additionally the :class:`xpublish.SingleDatasetRest` class allows has a simplified interface for single dataset access. Parameters ---------- datasets : A mapping of datasets objects to be served. If a mapping is given, keys are used as dataset ids and are converted to strings. See also the notes below. routers : A list of dataset-specific :class:`fastapi.APIRouter` instances to include in the fastAPI application. These routers are in addition to any loaded via plugins. The items of the list may also be tuples with the following format: ``[(router1, {'prefix': '/foo', 'tags': ['foo', 'bar']})]``, where the 1st tuple element is a :class:`fastapi.APIRouter` instance and the 2nd element is a dictionary that is used to pass keyword arguments to :meth:`fastapi.FastAPI.include_router`. cache_kws : Dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to :meth:`cachey.Cache.__init__()`. By default, the cache size is set to 1MB, but this can be changed with ``available_bytes``. app_kws : Dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to :meth:`fastapi.FastAPI.__init__()`. plugins : Optional dictionary of loaded, configured plugins. Overrides automatic loading of plugins. If no plugins are desired, set to an empty dict. Notes ----- The urls of the application's API endpoints differ whether a single dataset or a mapping (collection) of datasets is given. In the latter case, all dataset-specific endpoint urls have the prefix ``/datasets/{dataset_id}``, where ``{dataset_id}`` corresponds to the keys of the mapping (converted to strings). Still in the latter case, the endpoint ``/datasets`` is added and returns the list of all dataset ids. """
[docs] def __init__( self, datasets: Optional[Dict[str, xr.Dataset]] = None, routers: Optional[APIRouter] = None, cache_kws: Optional[Dict] = None, app_kws: Optional[Dict] = None, plugins: Optional[Dict[str, Plugin]] = None, ): if isinstance(datasets, xr.Dataset): raise TypeError( 'xpublish.Rest no longer directly handles single datasets. Please use xpublish.SingleDatasetRest instead' ) self.setup_datasets(datasets or {}) self.setup_plugins(plugins) routers = normalize_app_routers( routers or [], self._dataset_route_prefix, ) check_route_conflicts(routers) self._routers = routers self.init_app_kwargs(app_kws) self.init_cache_kwargs(cache_kws)
[docs] def setup_datasets(self, datasets: Dict[str, xr.Dataset]) -> str: """Initialize datasets and dataset accessor function Returns: Prefix for dataset routers """ self._datasets = normalize_datasets(datasets) self._get_dataset_func = self.get_dataset_from_plugins self._dataset_route_prefix = '/datasets/{dataset_id}' return self._dataset_route_prefix
[docs] def get_datasets_from_plugins(self) -> List[str]: """Return dataset ids from directly loaded datasets and plugins Used as a FastAPI dependency in dataset router plugins via :meth:`Rest.dependencies`. Returns: Dataset IDs from plugins and datasets loaded into :class:`xpublish.Rest` at initialization. """ dataset_ids = list(self._datasets) for plugin_dataset_ids in dataset_ids.extend(plugin_dataset_ids) return dataset_ids
[docs] def get_dataset_from_plugins( self, dataset_id: str = Path(description='Unique ID of dataset'), ) -> xr.Dataset: """Attempt to load dataset from plugins, otherwise return dataset from passed in dictionary of datasets Parameters: dataset_id: Unique key of dataset to attempt to load from plugins or those provided to :class:`xpublish.Rest` at initialization. Returns: Dataset for selected ``dataset_id`` Raises: FastAPI.HTTPException: When a dataset is not found a 404 error is returned. """ dataset = if dataset: return dataset if dataset_id not in self._datasets: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail=f"Dataset '{dataset_id}' not found") return self._datasets[dataset_id]
[docs] def setup_plugins( self, plugins: Optional[Dict[str, Plugin]] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize and load plugins from entry_points unless explicitly provided Parameters: plugins: If a dictionary of initialized plugins is provided, then the automatic loading of plugins is disabled. Providing an empty dictionary will also disable automatic loading of plugins. """ if plugins is None: plugins = load_default_plugins() = pluggy.PluginManager('xpublish') for name, plugin in plugins.items():, name=name) for hookspec in
[docs] def register_plugin( self, plugin: Plugin, plugin_name: Optional[str] = None, overwrite: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Register a plugin with the xpublish system Args: plugin: Instantiated Plugin object plugin_name: Plugin name overwrite: If a plugin of the same name exist, setting this to True will remove the existing plugin before registering the new plugin. Defaults to False. Raises: AttributeError: Plugin can not be registered ValueError: Plugin already registered, try setting overwrite to True """ plugin_name = plugin_name or if overwrite is True and plugin_name in dict( # If a plugin exist with the same name, unregister it. # If configured using entry_points, the name of the # entry_point should be the same as the # Get existing plugins again existing_plugins = try:, plugin_name) except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError( f'Plugin {plugin} is likely not initialized before registration' ) from e for hookspec in 'register_hookspec', remove_plugins=existing_plugins )():
[docs] def init_cache_kwargs(self, cache_kws: dict) -> None: """Set up cache kwargs""" self._cache = None self._cache_kws = {'available_bytes': 1e6} if cache_kws is not None: self._cache_kws.update(cache_kws)
[docs] def init_app_kwargs(self, app_kws: dict) -> None: """Set up FastAPI application kwargs""" self._app = None self._app_kws = {} if app_kws is not None: self._app_kws.update(app_kws)
@property def cache(self) -> cachey.Cache: """Returns the :class:`cachey.Cache` instance used by the FastAPI application.""" if self._cache is None: self._cache = cachey.Cache(**self._cache_kws) return self._cache @property def plugins(self) -> Dict[str, Plugin]: """Returns the loaded plugins""" return dict( def _init_routers(self, dataset_routers: Optional[APIRouter]) -> None: """Setup plugin and dataset routers. Needs to run after dataset and plugin setup""" app_routers, plugin_dataset_routers = self.plugin_routers() if self._dataset_route_prefix: app_routers.append((dataset_collection_router, {'tags': ['info']})) app_routers.extend( normalize_app_routers( plugin_dataset_routers + (dataset_routers or []), self._dataset_route_prefix ) ) check_route_conflicts(app_routers) self._app_routers = app_routers
[docs] def plugin_routers(self) -> Tuple[List[RouterAndKwargs], List[RouterAndKwargs]]: """Load the app and dataset routers for plugins Returns: A tuple containing a list of top-level routers from plugins and a list of per-dataset routers from plugins """ app_routers = [] dataset_routers = [] deps = self.dependencies() for router in app_routers.append((router, {})) for router in dataset_routers.append((router, {})) return app_routers, dataset_routers
[docs] def dependencies(self) -> Dependencies: """FastAPI dependencies to pass to plugin router methods""" deps = Dependencies( dataset_ids=self.get_datasets_from_plugins, dataset=self._get_dataset_func, cache=lambda: self.cache, plugins=lambda: self.plugins, plugin_manager=lambda:, ) return deps
def _init_dependencies(self) -> None: """Initialize dependencies""" deps = self.dependencies() self._app.dependency_overrides[get_dataset_ids] = deps.dataset_ids self._app.dependency_overrides[get_dataset] = deps.dataset self._app.dependency_overrides[get_cache] = deps.cache self._app.dependency_overrides[get_plugins] = deps.plugins self._app.dependency_overrides[get_plugin_manager] = deps.plugin_manager def _init_app(self) -> FastAPI: """Initiate the FastAPI application.""" self._app = FastAPI(**self._app_kws) self._init_routers(self._routers) for rt, kwargs in self._app_routers: self._app.include_router(rt, **kwargs) self._init_dependencies() return self._app @property def app(self) -> FastAPI: """Returns the :class:`fastapi.FastAPI` application instance. Notes ----- Plugins registered with :meth:`xpublish.Rest.register_plugin` after :meth:`` is accessed or :meth:`xpublish.Rest.serve` is called once may not take effect. """ if self._app is None: self._app = self._init_app() return self._app
[docs] def serve( self, host: str = '', port: int = 9000, log_level: str = 'debug', **kwargs, ) -> None: """Serve this FastAPI application via :func:``. Parameters ---------- host : Bind socket to this host. port : Bind socket to this port. log_level : App logging level, valid options are {'critical', 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'debug', 'trace'}. **kwargs : Additional arguments to be passed to :func:``. Notes ----- This method is blocking and does not return. """, host=host, port=port, log_level=log_level, **kwargs, )
[docs]class SingleDatasetRest(Rest): """Used to publish a single Xarray dataset via a REST API (FastAPI application). Use :class:`xpublish.Rest` to publish multiple datasets. Parameters: ----------- dataset : A single :class:`xarray.Dataset` object to be served. """
[docs] def __init__( self, dataset: xr.Dataset, routers: Optional[APIRouter] = None, cache_kws: Optional[Dict] = None, app_kws: Optional[Dict] = None, plugins: Optional[Dict[str, Plugin]] = None, ): self._dataset = dataset super().__init__({}, routers, cache_kws, app_kws, plugins)
[docs] def setup_datasets(self, datasets) -> str: """Modifies the dataset loading to instead connect to the single dataset""" self._dataset_route_prefix = '' self._datasets = {} self._get_dataset_func = lambda: self._dataset return self._dataset_route_prefix
def _init_app(self) -> FastAPI: self._app = super()._init_app() self._app.openapi = SingleDatasetOpenAPIOverrider(self._app).openapi return self._app